Student Diversity, Outreach and Women's Programs

Women's Programs


Serve as an educational and professional development resource center for all students and promote awareness of female and diversity-related issues to the campus. 

Women’s Programs provides activities and programs for students to learn about diversity in leadership from the female perspective. Our goal is to encourage student involvement and strategic leadership in campus and community organizations through participation in:  guest lectures, workshops, professional development, networking skills, scholarships, Women In Science and Engineering (WISE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and mentoring/advising.

The ultimate goal of the program is to enable students to assume leadership and management positions after completing their studies at Missouri University of Science and Technology.


  • Recruit more female students to Missouri S&T
  • Increase retention and graduation rates of female students
  • Encourage and support a positive campus climate for women
  • Help ensure the post-graduate success of S&T's female students

Pre-College and Diversity Programs


Support S&T's science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) enrichment-focused camps, workshops and academic competitions for post-kindergarten through 12th-grade students, teachers and related educators. The department forges partnerships with industry, non-for-profit organizations, school leaders and other constituents to increase the number and diversity of students who are prepared and motivated to pursue STEM-based careers.

We actively support students from ethnic populations that have historically been under-represented in science and engineering careers. The staff supports all diversity-related programming that will better ensure the success of these students on campus and after graduation. The office also helps promote awareness about multicultural related issues to the campus community. Through programs and partnerships, SDP helps foster an academic and professional environment that supports the students of Missouri S&T and strengthens the campus community.


  • Support the Diversity Leadership Council
  • Support S&T's 15 pre-college and summer programs, continually improve program offerings, and launch new programs
  • Enhance our mentoring program
  • Develop new funding proposals for programs, activities, and diversity scholarships
  • Coordinate S&T's efforts with the Counfluence Academy--S&T's university-sponsored charter school in St. Louis, Missouri
  • Recruit underrepresented students to Missouri S&T